Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Racism is funny...but sad...but funny.

Hatred is a weird thing. Or rather, racism is a weird thing, people call it hate and all that shit, but I think it extends more from fear. Fear for an unknown, or a derived fear from the limited experience with something. When you go back into history, you see that fear turn into hatred toward a difference in the status quo. It manifests itself into this ugly, wretched thing that polarizes a population, allowing one type of people to enact true evil upon another with little to no resistance from those who can stop it. Everyone not white and male, and even some white males, have experienced this to some extent. Blacks and native Americans especially, regarding the US. It has resulted in genocide, injustice, and brutality that will probably be a black mark for the US as long as the country still exists.

However, while it is a tragic entity, racism is also a bizarre "ideal" that can work as a muse for the truly absurd. Hilariously absurd, because some shit, you can't help but laugh at.

*Editor's note following this picture*

Why do I find this funny? It has no funny rhymes like the first two. Well, I really, truly want to know where this particular racist cartoonist got this idea from. Okay, fine, malt liquor with fried chicken in the background, The 69-boys-esque "Shake dat booty BABY!" t shirt, simian facial features and loud music "thump thump"ing out of a radio are all nothing your everyday racist couldn't come up with to say "haha niggers are like this." But look what is in his left hand. A videotape titled "KUNG FU MASSACRE." What I am getting at is where did the guy who clearly has limited or no personal experience with black people gets the idea to throw "Kung Fu Loving..." in there as a list of stereotypes for his "Nigger Heaven" cartoon? Who told him we like Kung Fu videos. Who told him our secret?!

You ever heard of It is a white supremacist website where white people go to talk about how niggers, spics, sand monkeys, kikes, chinks, and race traitors are spooky and dangerous and threatening the white race.

Sometimes they also bestow jewels of knowledge upon each other, like this post on how to avoid getting sucker-punched by blacks, as the poster suggests we are all accustomed to doing, based on his experience watching youtube videos.

I have seen numerous videos about negroids sucker punching someone while just standing in line. So I have taken to turning to face them when in line , this gets me a lot of strange looks but no one is going to sucker punch this old guy. It funny to see the groids when you look into their eyes , they will 9 times out of 10 turn away from you. I have been doing this for about 3 months and no one has said a thing to me about doing this.

It's not out of fear they turn away, it's because doing this makes you look like a fucking lunatic that gets upset by eye-contact, old man.

Khartoum in the mothafuckin House!

I heard KRS-One say that "Back in the days, I knew rap would never die..." What was once a unique sound coming from the poorer parts of inner-city New York is now a long-standing global phenomenon, with rap music being created in every corner of the world. Case-in-point, let's look to Bangz, an Australian-by-way-of-Sudan rapper.

If you run an image search for "rap video," I'm pretty sure you will find every graphic he has on the blue screen behind him...which is a way smarter method of staying under budget than going out to rent roulette tables, cadillacs, and permits to shoot in a national forrest (check 0:47).

WEST SIDE! (check 2:15)

His entourage is funny, too.